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Focus of the two sessions: Encourage domestic medical equipment and other biological products to replace imports

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-04-20      Origin: Site

edical devices have an important position in the pharmaceutical industry. Not only is the market size huge, it has exceeded 500 billion yuan in 2018, and the growth rate is fast. The data of the "China Medical Device Industry Development Report" shows that the statistics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology from 2013 to 2016 Among the eight sub-sectors of the industry, the annual growth rate of the medical device industry has always been higher than the average. With the development of my country's medical and health undertakings, there is still a lot of room for development in the medical device industry.

However, the analytical instrument industry is the same, and the medical device industry also faces the problem that although the domestic market is huge, the high-end market has been monopolized by imported products for a long time. In the context of the country's vigorous promotion of scientific and technological innovation and efforts to solve the risk of "stuck neck" in key core technologies, medical devices, as an industry that is also subject to others, also need to actively take measures to develop domestic technologies with independent intellectual property rights.

At the two sessions this year, two representatives of the National People's Congress put forward suggestions on the development of medical devices.

Representative Li Yan: Encourage biological product R&D and production companies to make domestic substitutions

Li Yan is the President of Qilu Pharmaceutical Group. As a leader in the domestic biomedical industry, Li Yan's proposal to be submitted by the two sessions this year is about persisting in innovation and vigorously promoting the development of the biomedical industry. She believes that there are two main factors restricting the further strengthening of China's biomedicine: original innovation and key equipment.

In order to change the status quo that imported products in the domestic pharmaceutical industry chain dominate the market for high-end instruments, equipment, consumables, etc., Li Yan suggested that biological product R&D and production companies should be encouraged to make domestic substitutions and change the unhealthy trend of preference for imported products in the domestic market. When the quality of domestic products is comparable to imported products, domestic equipment can be preferred. At the same time, at the national level, policies and regulations are used to support the use of imported materials and equipment in research and marketed products to replace domestic materials.

Representative Zhou Yunjie: Broaden the application scenarios of domestic medical devices

As the president of Haier Group, Zhou Yunjie also has a clear understanding of the weakness of domestic medical devices in the market. He believes that the reason for this problem is that compared with imported brands with deep technology and experience accumulation and stable product quality, domestic brands have lower product technology levels. Products are mainly common and commonly used equipment, and small medical equipment has long served the market. , Can not get enough trust from hospitals and doctors.

Zhou Yunjie also proposed to achieve "domestic substitution" in the field of high-end medical devices. Therefore, its proposal for the pharmaceutical industry this year is "Recommendations on Further Broadening the Application Scenarios of Domestic Medical Devices". In the proposal, Zhou Yunjie suggested that the country should accelerate the implementation of relevant special plans, expand the application and promotion of domestic medical devices; further enhance the recognition and recognition of domestic medical devices, and promote the realization of imported substitution of domestic excellent medical devices. At the same time, the state has increased its capital investment to further support the research and development and technological upgrading of domestic medical devices.

The medical device industry is a track with great development potential in the pharmaceutical industry. The overall technical level of my country's medical devices still has a large gap compared with foreign countries. In the mid-end market, domestic companies already have a level of technology that can compete with imported products, but in the high-end market with high technical barriers, the competitiveness of domestic companies is still very weak. There is still a long way to go to realize the localized substitution of medical equipment, and this requires more support from the state.

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